5 Habits you must leave behind in order to move forward.
2020, a strange and different year that, perhaps, made us step out of our comfort zone on many occasions, and has made us explore ourselves internally and re-evaluate our habits and lifestyle.
Many of us take stock of the 12 months that are now behind us. In my case, I make a review of personal habits from which surely several intentions for change have been born, and from there comes a list of resolutions related to what we want to improve in the coming year.
These resolutions can be related to your work, your family, your learning, your health, etc. And they usually come with the intention of abandoning unpositive habits that keep you away from a goal or a personal dream.
To be honest, that list of resolutions goes back to the drawer of oblivion around the third week of January, and we remember it again when December returns and you see that your list is more or less intact.
Time to get back on track
Don't confuse pessimism with the idea that you have no control over your life. You may have the feeling that your ship is going where the winds are blowing it, but that doesn't mean you have no influence over its course.
If you want to truly fulfill your resolutions, you shouldn't have too long a list of things to change, but I do recommend you let go of 5 habits you need to leave behind to be the best version of yourself.
Habits you need to leave behind
1. Punishing yourself for what you couldn't accomplish
Accept that you can't accomplish everything. There are circumstances beyond our control. The important thing is to recognize the failure and try again. It doesn't have to be January 1st for you to put your plan back on track, what really matters is that you put it into action without martyring yourself for not having done it before.
2. Waiting for the approval of others
Although we are social beings, and we share, learn and coexist with other people, it does not mean that what they believe or say about us has to mark our path.
Taking others' opinions into account is fine, as long as it is your inner voice that takes the action. Trust in yourself and listen to what your heart has to say, the one that knows you perfectly and knows what virtues you can enhance at all times.
3. Holding on to the past
All difficult moments can evoke uncomfortable emotions. And many times you keep going over it in your mind, elaborating over and over again, reliving the past. This can cause you unhappiness, not allowing you to enjoy what you have in the present moment by mentally dwelling on the past.
Holding on prevents you from getting over things and prevents you from getting something new in your life. Freeing yourself from what is not working, ideas, desires, expectations, relationships, beliefs allows you to flow.
Leave them behind, and focus on living today.
4. Doubting yourself
Constantly thinking negatively is not just something that happens to you. We are often our own worst enemy when it comes to self-confidence.
Doubting your worth only leads to pessimism and defeat, even before you have taken action.
Thinking negatively influences every aspect of your life, for you profess that everything you start will end badly, and in a way you seek to make that its fate. Beginning to see yourself, other people and your life in a more positive light will change your perspective on things and give you more confidence to make decisions.
5. Making excuses
There is always a lie that hides why you didn't do what you should have done.
Do you have any of these habits? Leave them behind so you can make your way to the life you really want. Take control of your destiny and set the course. It's about letting go of the old to make room for the new.
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