Why is it good to do push up?
The push up is an ideal exercise to strengthen the chest, triceps and shoulder, but how many times a week and how?
With the advice of Leonardo Camargo, licensed in physical training and general practitioner, we solve these and other concerns.
The "push up" is a very complete exercise for the upper body as it works chest, triceps and shoulder. In addition, with the right technique, it strengthens the core.
Variations according to physical condition
The basic version of this exercise does not require elements beyond your body. If you are just starting out, you can do it standing and use the wall as a base to execute the movement.
You can switch from wall support to knee support. This way you can be more aware of the movement, the position of the hands and the abdominal contraction.
Don't worry because you see people doing it on their toes. The expert's recommendation is always to "learn and master the movements before moving to a more advanced position".
On your toes is considered an intermediate version that you can reach once you have mastered the kneeling position.
Push up for advanced
By adding elements, doing it in suspension, with changes in the position of the feet and additional movements of the body, you can increase the muscle mass in this area and burn more calories.
For advanced versions you can put your feet on a bench or step at the height you can tolerate and maintain the correct execution. You can also use unstable surfaces such as bosu or balls.
You can add a little more complexity by doing it with one leg, one arm, clapping or jumping. According to Camargo "the more instability you manage to involve, the greater the benefits".
Frequency and contraindications
If you are a beginner, Dr. Camargo recommends performing 3 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions no more than twice a week on non-consecutive days. .
If you already have a more advanced level, the number of series, repetitions and complexity will vary, but you should always count on the advice of a training expert.
Although it is a very complete exercise and in theory is suitable for everyone, there are some contraindications to perform it, such as people who have had shoulder surgery or have carpal tunnel syndrome, epicondylitis, tendonitis quervain, triceps or chest tears, among other pathologies.
In these cases, performing this exercise will depend on whether the person has fully recovered or while this happens, you can perform it with some adaptation that does not interfere with your health.
Position yourself in a plank position with your arms slightly open in line with your shoulder as shown in the picture, contract your abdomen and push your chest down without dropping your hips, keeping your hands flat on the floor.
Then push up to return to the starting position, maintaining the posture.
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