Keys to live your life in serenity

In these festive times we live a lot of superficial things, and without realizing it, you have a dependency that can drag you to thoughts, sensations or mental patterns that are repeated and that perhaps do not bring me anything good and keep you away from serenity.

The art of detachment means to suppress the bond of attachment to the desire for things, people or existing objects.

For some time now I have been trying to spend time on detachment, and it makes me feel lighter. I look for patterns, routines or objects that do not bring me anything, or that suppose an excessive or useless energetic expense.

  1. Living in flow, without obsession
  2. A practical manual for living in serenity
    1. 1. Identify the origin of your worries
    2. 2. Observe the way you act
    3. 3. Stay away from perfection
    4. 4. Take time for yourself
    5. 5. Channel negative emotions
    6. 6. Show gratitude
    7. 7. Orient your happiness
    8. 8. Do not try to change reality

Living in flow, without obsession

In this search I realized that I watched something in a movie almost every night before going to bed, and that I did it as a routine. So I changed it to reading a book. I can modify routines or choose thoughts, for others that are more in line with what I want to be.

I am talking about this topic because I am reading the book "The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success" by Deepak Chopra. The 6th Law, the Law of Detachment, the author explains that sometimes to get what we are looking for, you must let go instead of clinging with desperation as if our life was in it.

A practical manual for living in serenity

Serenity is that state from which you can observe both happiness and sadness with equanimity, without being swept away by them.

Your reality is transformed and you can see what surrounds you from the filter of calm, even if the context is accelerated.

I want to offer you 8 tips to start practicing a more serene life and thus live fully and calmly.

1. Identify the origin of your worries

Find out what causes you discomfort, what situations trigger your anxiety, stress, anger or suffering and at what times you feel worse. Starting the path to serene transformation begins with recognizing what bothers you and freeing yourself from it.

2. Observe the way you act

Notice if you give attention to things that don't deserve it, if you lose your cool over unimportant matters, or if your emotions easily get out of control. If you notice yourself overreacting, begin to generate a level of awareness about what is really important. The only thing that deserves your attention is what you find pleasant and can live from love.

3. Stay away from perfection

Do not punish yourself for not reaching a high standard of perfection. This usually leads to high levels of stress from accomplishing tasks that are far from your happiness, leading to dissatisfaction, anguish and exhaustion.

4. Take time for yourself

This is essential. Serenity comes from within, that is, it is essential to connect with your being in order to contact stillness. This is closely linked to self-knowledge. Reserve time for activities that are pleasurable and that allow you to free yourself - For example, meditate, do pilates, yoga or another type of activity with which you can drain the excess energy or overload you feel.

5. Channel negative emotions

Sometimes you will get caught up in an internal argument that ends in self-destruction. Practice a conscious breathing exercise (like the ones I share in this post) and let your thoughts flow. If you notice that they are negative, try to turn them around and find the positive in them.

6. Show gratitude

By being grateful you connect with all the good things that are in your life and with it you push away the thoughts that are pressuring you. Being grateful moves the positive energy within you.

7. Orient your happiness

Orient your happiness towards the well-being you can feel towards the simple and beautiful things in life. When you do, your mind calms down, negative thoughts are diluted and serenity becomes present.

8. Do not try to change reality

There are things you can never change, such as what others think, feel, say or do, as well as situations that just happen and you have no control over. Nor can you change the past or predict the future. Instead, accept it, live in the present and seek to learn how to regulate your own reaction to it.


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